
MCU/CPU and power supply boards

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more_vertMCU8/80-28-MCP module 8 bits 8 MHz 28 pins microcrocontroller
15.60€Ex Tax: 13.00€

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MCU8/80-28-MCP module 8 bits 8 MHz 28 pins microcrocontrollerclose

SynthesisMCU boardsocket DIP-28 microcontroler PIC16F8862 clocks, GPIO peripherals, analog input, I2C serial comVoltage rugulatorEasy to connect thanks to the FPC port.This MCU module featuresPIC16F886 micro-controller5 I/O ports7 test points2 supply sourcesDirect interface with modular I/O boards (relays, GPIO, ...) or any external peripheral.The FPC bus provides supply and I2C signals allowing t..

more_vertMicrocontroller OLIMEXINO-32U4
15.54€Ex Tax: 12.95€

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Microcontroller OLIMEXINO-32U4close

FEATURESATMEGA32U4 microcontroller, all in one USB communication no need for external FTDI USB connectorInput power supply 7-12VDCULTRA LOW POWER voltage regulators and the consumption is only few microamps, which enables hand-held and battery powered applications.Li-Ion rechargeable battery power supply option with a BUILD-IN on board charger, so when you attach a battery, it is autom..

more_vertMicrocontroller OLIMEXINO-AT328
26.34€Ex Tax: 21.95€

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Microcontroller OLIMEXINO-AT328close

FEATURES ATMEGA328 microcontrollercan work at different frequencies with an easy exchange of the quartz crystal on socket.DCDC power supply allows power input voltage from 9 to 30V DC thus making it possible to take virtually any power supply adapter on the market, and to enable applications which are in the industrial power supply of 24VDC.Carefully selected, all of the components work..

more_vertNunki EVK - CH32V003 RISC-V
4.20€Ex Tax: 3.50€

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Nunki EVK - CH32V003 RISC-Vclose

Electronic Development board with RISC-V CH32V003 F4P6 Microcontroller32 bit RV32 EC core running at 48 MHz with built-in PLL24 MHz Crystal16k Flash2k SRAMMany peripherals including I2C, SPI, USART, Timers, Analog to Digital converters20 pin GPIO10 pin programmer port6 pin supply portUSB port for power supply2 free standing user LEDs1 reset buttonOn-board 3.3V regulatorGithub Source Code..

more_vertNunki Micro - CH32V003 RISC-V
4.95€Ex Tax: 4.13€

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Nunki Micro - CH32V003 RISC-Vclose

This product is available from LCE and Elecrow.Smaller verion of Nunki Dev board with RISC-V CH32V003 F4P6 Microcontroller32 bit RV32 EC core running at 48 MHz with built-in PLL24 MHz Crystal16k Flash2k SRAMMany peripherals including I2C, SPI, USART, Timers, Analog to Digital converters20 pin GPIO10 pin programmer port6 pin supply portUSB port for power supply2 free standing user LEDs1 reset butto..

more_vertPSU4/70/20 Power supply 7V 2A with 4 output jacks + 2 ports
9.00€Ex Tax: 7.50€

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PSU4/70/20 Power supply 7V 2A with 4 output jacks + 2 portsclose

Power supply board with buck converterInput 7-15Vdc4 jack 7V outputs + port 5VMax current 2A totalThis mini power supply is fit with MT2492 buck converter and includes:1 main supply 5mm jack, 7-15Vdc input4 output 5mm jacks regulated 7Vdc2 x 8 pins ports with Vin, 7V, 5V, GND pins1 x 4-pin header serial bus /power output port 7V+I2C2 I/O FPU I2C/power ports 7V+I2C3 jumpers for on/off switch or cur..

MCU/CPU and power supply boards

Programmable microcontroller CPU/MCU boards with RTC
Peripheral controlleur with GPIO and serial bus
Regulated power supply boards